King Feeders UK
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King Feeders UK Agricultural

Trailed Vertical Diet Feeder Agricultural Machinery
Straw Bedders / Blowers - Diet Feeders - Cattle Feeders

diet feeder
Trailed Vertical Diet Feeder

Antares Vertical Mixer

Antares Vertical Mixer

With the Antares Vertical Mixer H Series, Zago is proud to offer the livestock market the most advanced solution in terms of vertical mixing: designed for continuous and heavy duty work cycles, it meets medium and large-sized farm needs.

These machines are able to cut and mix any fibrous product with extreme care and rapidity, ensuring a feed ration specifically suitable for ruminants.

The consolidated experience has led to the perfected vertical mixing system that provides faster mix preparation times.

The exclusive stream auger equipped with special shaped knives driven by heavy-duty gearboxes ensures whole round bale, forage, bundle and any other product cutting thanks to the high rotation speed and efficient large counter-knives.

The Antares Vertical Mixer H (single auger) and WH (dual auger) vertical trailed feed mixer series stands out for its independent 4 weighing cell chassis. Side doors available.

Special larger machines built to order for AD plants etc... Up to 50 cubic metres.

Unloading is bi-lateral at the front or back to obtain perfect product distribution.

The Antares Vertical Mixer, series H and WH, available from 8 to 28 cubic metres.

Rear door, front door or side doors available, for individual requirements Ample knives to improve speed of cutting. Static Vertical machines constructed for use with AD / Biogas plants. 3 auger machines built up to 50 cubic metres. Static Vertical machines constructed for use with AD / Biogas plants